Reporting on Offered Subjects - Post 16

We’ve been using Admissions+ since September so are still relatively new to the software.
We are a sixth form College offering 40+ subjects and need to be able to report on the numbers of students who have been offered a place on each course. This is different from the number of students ‘interested’ in a subject.
In an ideal world we’d have another column in the Subjects Summary table on the homepage but sadly you can’t customise this information.
Can anyone suggest how we can report on this easily? Students can choose up to 4 subjects but might rank them differently so I’m not sure its possible to create a report with this data.

Hi Mel. If you go to the ‘Timetables’ tab (near the top left), this should show you that information, and you should be able to generate a report by doing an export. Hope that makes sense! - I’m a year in and still learning!

Thank you Jo!
I did find this out last week and should have come back to update this. This ‘timetables’ tab has been really helpful.

Ah no problem, I’ve been off so I only saw the notification today. It really is helpful, and the ‘Enrolment report Tab’ is really useful at enrolment.

Hi Jo,
Wondering if you can help…? We’ve noticed that Timetable Overview tab seems inaccurate. We’ve reported to our Account Manager but wondered if you had a workaround? The ‘offered’ numbers dont filter out withdrawn applications, following receipt of an offer from us, so the number shows anyone who has ever been given an offer.
We’re relying on manual checks but we have over 70+ subjects so this isnt workable. We’re trying to work out staffing/class sizes etc
Any suggestions?

Hi Mel,
I really need to get better with replying, and checking messages etc - I’ve only just seen your message - I’m really sorry!
Did you manage to find a work around? I’ve been changing the offer status to show ‘Withdrawn Offer’ when I change the status of the application to ‘Withdrawn’. Not ideal but I don’t know of another way.

Hi Jo,
No problem!
We did the same in the end, once we’d worked out that would give us the info we needed it was fine.
We’ve learnt lots this year so hopefully going forward we’ll be in a better place.
Unfortunately we use UnitE and the data cannot be as easily transferred as it can to SIMS etc

You use UnitE and Applica? We used to use UnitE with Cedar, and that worked really well, in fact if you ask the rest of our MIS team they would prefer that! Me, not so much as I like Applicaa. I had to manually type everything into UnitE so I wasn’t a fan. We now use Applicaa along with Arbor. How do you get your data into UnitE?