Applicaa+ and Arbor

Hi everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m currently part of a ‘SIMS school’ but we’re investigating the use of other MIS - mainly Arbor at the moment based on positive feedback elsewhere.

Is anyone here an ‘Arbor school’ and using Applicaa? What is your experience of the two systems together?

Thank you :blush:


We are using both. I love Applica now that I’m getting used to it, but I the jury is still out regarding Arbor. We are a stand alone Sixth Form, and we’ve had a number of bumps in the road with it. I’ve never used SIMS though, so I honestly don’t know how it compares to that, it may well be better. I would do lots of research before making any final decisions. I’m not sure if that helps!

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Thank you for your reply! It is helpful because published reviews rarely show the day to day experiences of the people who use the system.

What kind of bumps have you experienced and how did you resolve them? How long have you been using Arbor?
